Last Updated on November 10, 2019 by Paul
We are excited to announce brand new look for Inkybay Shopify app
Take a look at few snapshots of new admin for Inkyaby and below what’s newly included!
What’s new added in Inkybay?
- Brand new UI for Inkybay backend
- Clear dashboard to view your store customization and resource status.
- Optimized for more speed.
- Easy sorting inner elements with drag and drop
- Auto cache generation
- Easy product browsing including product filter and search
- Easy product adding for customization. Now you don’t need to leave the page for adding new product colors, sizes or setting printing types and customization pricing. Everything is on the same page.
- Duplicate existing custom products with all it’s images and settings.
- Extra price for per print location or product side. Now you can set a fixed customization price for every product sides, like $5 extra when customers add any design on the front or back side and $3 extra when customers add any design on sleeves.
- Combine color sets to apply solid colors (colorize by design tool) and upload a separate image for product colors for the same product. Imagine, you have a t-shirt product with 50 colors available and 5 of them are heather color. In the previous system, you have to add all 50 color images separately because you want to show the heather colors view as well. Now you can manage this product colors with only 6 images instead of 50 separate images. Out of 6 images, one will be as grayscale (white) transparent PNG (will be used for all solid colors you added) and another 5 for heather colors. Design tool will show the solid colors by instant colorization (without loading extra images) and for the heather color it will load the image as admin uploaded separately for those colors.
- Option to apply any custom colors for the product. The customer can choose colors from color palate or enter custom color codes.
- Easy color adding for products. Option to choose from available stock colors including color code and names.
- View custom products in the designer from the admin product list.
- View custom products in Shopify from the admin product list.
- Advanced settings for configurable custom products.
- Error reporting while adding a configurable product (if there any misconfiguration is done).
- Easy option to add multi-panel/part products including group/relation set up between different sides and parts.
- Change/upload custom print area shape easily.
- Option to inactive the print area, for a configurable product, you may not allow users to add any custom design on a specific product side.
- Mark area, if you want to display one or multiple outline area within the design area
- Bleed/cut area, if you need an extra cut area with the output file.
- Shadow display, if you want to display an additional shadow over your product image. You can upload a custom shadow image as transparent PNG.
- Confirmation message to activate the added valid custom products to allow user customization.
Printing types
- Printing type duplicate with all settings and colors.
- Fixed pricing option for added text only
- Fixed pricing option for added graphics only
- Fixed pricing option for added text and graphics combine
- Easy color adding for printing types, option to choose from available stock colors including color code and names.
- Default image filtering for printing types. The system will automatically removes any white from the customer uploaded raster image and apply the selected color filter.
Quantity discount for custom products
- Duplicate quantity discount set with all settings.
- Extend quantity discount to apply the discount on base product price, product options price and customization charge.
Extended Product Options
- Duplicate extended option set with all options and images
- Easy management for conditional child options
- Addition custom CSS for option display.
Import ready custom products/mockups
- Easy navigation to import ready products
- Searching and filtering for product import
Customized orders
- Clean order list with interactive paging
- Search order by order number
- Filter order list by date
- Filter order list by order status
- Faster download process
- Bulk action to change order status
- View ordered custom design in design tool (from admin order)
- Clean order and customization details.
Custom quote request
- Search customer quote request by customer name, email or phone number
- Show the requested design in designer
Customer saved designs [NEW]
- View customers saved designs list with the customer email and design name
- General settings
- Added new settings for enabling/disabling “Warning on low-resolution image”
- Added new settings for enabling/disabling “Design outside warning”
- Other settings
- Added new option to restore/recover lost designlab or design idea pages. If admin accidentally removes the app pages or codes from Shopify admin. Admin can recover the page from settings.
- Added a separate product filter for Shopify product list to show store products and app created products separately to view clear product list.
- Theme settings
- Easy theme changing option including available theme preview.
- Added new themes for the Inkybay design tool.
- Design tool extended custom CSS adding option. Now you can customize the design tool interface by adding custom CSS to match your brand.
- Language & translation
- Easy language translation for design tool
- Added new language option to choose from ready translation.
- Added 6 new languages including French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese(BR) and Spanish.
- Upgrade/downgrade Inkybay plan
- Now merchants can easily upgrade or downgrade their Inkybay plan.
- Easy support ticket system without leaving your current working page.
Coming more new features soon.
Do you know when this update will be sent out?
We have already make it live for all stores.